Sunday, December 26, 2010

To A Sweet Soul

I only broke the silence after i made half a joke. However, please do not think of me too much. I can't speak out but still wishing you a safe journey. It's okay, there is no need to worry about me. Sometimes there is sunshine, sometimes there is rain. And time scattered around the island, just like the clouds. There was a time when we rush into the waves, without giving a damn. The memory inside the sea floats within the tide. Only you can understand all of my insanity and sorrow. The season that i missed the most, the day that first started, the dream that i love to say, the song that you love. Freeze at its perfection. Ah, how easy changing life is..
It does not really matter now. It is not as easy as thought. Who said that there will be a give and take. You accompany me to mess around, and smile.
Accompany me not speaking a word. The song that you accompany me to write.
Who else can feel it? Only you can understand all of my insanity and sorrow. The season that i missed the most. The day that first started,the dream that i love to say, the song that you love, bitter but sweet.
Follow me to fly high. Fate begins, and end. The unknown world slowly inclines out.
How long it would still take to reach the future and giving back me a dream. I have the sky, freedom and worriless and will not fear no matter how big is the world, there's layers of clouds.
I slowly fall on the other side of the sea, the star shined green grass field, but still could not find the one tear that i dropped. I quietly searching the furthest i went yesterday. There is no more you in tomorrrow. No matter how insane or sorrow i am, nobody will understand.
The season that i missed the most, the day that first started, the dream that i love to say, the song that you love. Past events are like a mist. Stop at that one year.
The biggest of that one day. The season that i missed the most, has anyone remembered?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I love You Rain...

I don't know why am i getting so excited whenever the rain is about to come over. I don't know why i could feel an extreme bliss surrounds me when i see the dark gloomy sky. I don't know, i can't hardly explain. There's a wave of huge gravitation which i can not possibly held while the rain was pouring. I felt free, so free and literally comfy. Some said, it's the tears from heaven. Well, i guess they're right. No matter how miserable my day was, the rain came and washed it away. In a quick movement of nature, it easily rid out my pain, my sorrow, my sadness, my loneliness, my guilt, my inconvenient and my tiny minds. The rain practically putted my soul on ease.
Somedays, i would love to go out, get caught and dancing in the rain. Somedays, i'd love to stand there and feel it's flavour. I believe that it has a power to endear your feelings, to overcome your sickness and make you stronger..


A drive home leads to a simple conversation,

A father talks with his son,

Not long before the friendly chat turns into frustration,

The conversation evolves into an argument in which,

Self-prides prevent any conclusion.The disagreements never ending,

And a sorrow left to continue.

A household, a home, a community tries to sustain itself,

From the pain that flows daily.

A brotherhood, sisterhood, fatherhood,and motherhood,

All linked together to keep a hold the bond they once all shared

Yet what if a link lets go or breaks free from the rest,

The household is torn,

And ends of the linked chain are left to themselves,

What holds this family together?

The middle link is only so strong,

Eventually the rest stray away,

And so easily a family is broken.

The sister moves on,

And begins a lonely life,

The father now has no one to teach him,

The values of learning the unexpected and inexperienced,

And so easily a family is broken.

The mother gives up her life,

And has no hope for better,

Now were does the son go to reach for answers and gain faith,

Nowhere and he is left stranded,

A void in his heart to love his mother is gained,

And he weakens and crumbles,

And so easily a family is broken.
An old memory passes through the son’s mind,

It is a gift sent from the one person he has left,

A reminder, a sole hope in the sons life,

He feels he has a task,

A task he is desperate to fulfill,

The one thing that would lighten him up,

So he goes about with his ideas,

The main one of bringing his family together,

He tries with the same persistence after each failure,

And doesn’t give up,but nothing ever works,

He realizes,

So easily a family is broken,

Yet it is so hard to find the original fitting pieces,

And rejoin a broken family.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kissing Hometown

Gosh, here i am now. Amazing! I'm back in town for short vacation. Having fun meeting old friends are totally great. Giving me an extraordinary feelings which is seriously i can't describe. It's been a while since last year. I don't know why but i always feel so excited to hit my home again. This small town is like the savest place on earth, the warmest destination i could possibly choose and the best friends i can turn to. Everyday is like a new one to begin and somehow i love that kind of feeling. I'm no longer a loner for being so hyper. I got my friends around me and most of all, this town offers me so much memories. Though it's a good or bad one, i still feel grateful to be here. I can't wait to meet up with the rest of 'em. Hanging out is totally fun and unforgetable. I just can't wait to dig and explore more about this exotic place...
I just don't feel like wanna go back to mothertown, i love this place. The club, the view, evrything sounds good here, except unfriendly weather but i can tolerate it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


March is going to end and by April i would have to face lots of important thing in my life. There're so much stuff running on my brain and i realized how much fear i got which i cannot possibly handle. Me myself don't even know how am i gonna face this. It seems so simple but in the same time even more complicated. It's not easy dealing with this kind of confusion. I'm having a big dilemma between my dream, what i want the most and what i have to sacrifice behind. I've been thinking so hard lately to figure a way to break this silence and hesitation. I'm asking God in my prayer for the path i'm going to walk down next. It takes more than nerves and guts to speak up what's really in me. God must knows what's my point about, i deeply wish HE would understand and open up a way to make it right. I have my own personal purpose, perhaps i can not mention but i know if it's the best way and right thing to do.
Oh Jes, i really need Your hand to take me get through this because i don't have a strenght to walk and decide things by my own. I don't have that courage, i'm clueless like a blind man trying to reach out the world. I tremendously wanna believe if everything is going to be fine but somehow there's still a voice whispering within me saying if this is not the exact moment to tell the truth and explain everything. I know i am strong enough but i just don't know how to convince myself. This is my only chance for lifetime, how am i supposed to let go? I must take it or i'll never have the same opportunity for the rest of my life. It may sounds a bit cliche or ridiculuos but this is it. I'm serious and i'll try my best to make it. I need God to go along this way, not just a luck.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Shoes always melt me...

The question is, who doesn't love shoes? Women always heart them, don't you?
I began to collected them since i was 12, a very young age at that time.
Til now, i couldn't possibly resist those sweet temptation. Wonder who was the genius behind those shoes. It may sounds crazy or i'm just enjoying my daydreaming, but i dream for Louboutin, Jimmy Choo and Manolo Blahnik one day. Perhaps Roberto Cavalli or Sergio Rossi wouldn't mind.
It's like gazing them have already amazed me somehow. Well, i think shoes have their own enchantment and magnetism because when i looked at them, they were like hynotized and paralyzed me in instant. Shoes always drive me crazy persistently and i'm totally insane to keep them on my mind and wishing if i could keep them in my closet. I hate the fact that i'm really keen on shoes so that one is never enough. You know that kind of feelings? You can't just keep buying things constantly without considering any other things behind. How bad is that? You're so into fashion meanwhile you realize if you can't always have what you want in life? How to deal with? At this moment, i can't explain either. The only thing i know is giving my best effort in my study then reach out the dream job, earning lot of cash and enjoying what i deserve as a human and as a girl technically. Now, who's with me? :) It's always your choice to dream on and go for your passion.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Maladie De Coeur

The clock is pointing at 01.00 am and here i am still widely awake. Can't sleep yet. Think it's probably my green tea latte keep me this way. I've been thinking so much lately and well, when was the time i didn't think? I'm thinking all the time, that's how my brain works. It won't stop, just like the ticking clock.
I was about to touched 13 when they had their quarrel on Sunday early morning. That was my very first time and last to saw them argued while i was like a midget watching my both hand being contested so hardly. Dad was holding my right wrist and mom was on the right. I just stood there between the two adults, crying desperately, didn't really understand about the problem. It was quite stunned for a young little girl to watched over the situation there. It was my very first shocking therapy for girl at my age.
Dad conceded,ultimately. Mom scored off. As soon as dad left, she easily made me stopped crying and euthanized me on my bunk as if nothing happened that day.
I felt like dreaming, at one blast felt sad and had a large amount of fear within. I thought it was just a nightmare and supposed to be gone by the time i opened up my eyes. But in fact, it was even worst than nightmare. Life had forced me to grew up in my younger age.
I began to had some blackout after it. I would named it as a heart disease. The one that won't stop bleeding inside, the rusty one. I was quite frustated to witnessed about their worthless and loveless relationship. A broken child who felt homeless. But however i was smart enough to figured a way to kept them living apart. So i made some trouble at school. I remember when i dangerously failed my subjects so both of them inevitably must came to met the principal and starting to be more concerned about their daughter. I intentionally did silly things just to had their attention. What a miserable way to brought them up when things didn't work out. But it still didn't work at all. Even a suicide thing crossed my mind but somehow i didn't have guts for it. I'm not quite sure what made me went through those times.
And time goes by, here i am, walking down my path, trying not to give up on life. Maybe i will never understand, maybe i don't want to understand. I'll just live it that way. I believe that time will tell. Perhaps..

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Reminisce My Old Flame

You know,i used to be a very simple person before i started to be a complex one. I always thought i had the answer through everything but as time goes by, i've learned that life ain't that easy, life ain't that simple. Life doesn't always come our way. It's way more tough and beyond what we're looking forward. I remember the time when i was 16 on my senior high school. I met a boy called Pete. At that time, i was new at school 'coz i just moved in to the mothertown with my family. Soon, we became friends and felt so into each other. I felt like he was the missing part of me. Basically, we had something in common.
We grew up in a family who didn't end up well so we were definitely getting to the point of each other. He allowed me saw things from his point of view. I gotta say that he had taught me lot of things and i never had a chance to thanked him. I do miss an old flame of mine sometimes. I miss the time when he walked me home. He used to turned off his motorcycle engine and chose to walked beside me around the block. I miss the time when we were speeding fast on highway, through the wind, through the time and through the loneliness we had.
We did some stupid and crazy things together, quite extreme for teenagers but we had no fear at all, indeed. We went through hard times before separated by impossibility. I would never be able to forget the time when we hang up on phone all night long, chatting, joking and even crying together regreting about reality in our life. People just didn't understand about us. They kept talking but we tried not to care at all. We promised not to gave up on life. We promised we must lived well no matter how hard life's gonna be. Maybe someday if we meet in coincidence, if fate confront us, if time let us in, we'll know and understand about life, about love, eventually.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My first blog *sigh*

Well,it's my first blog here,12 february 2010,on Friday,exactly two days before Valentine and Chinese New Year. It's kinda coincidence and somehow sounds bizzare to have both on the same time. Nevertheless, i casually still feel cool at all. I'm new here so maybe it takes some time for me to explore more about this blog. I love writing anyway. I started it since i was in a primary school, can't hardly remember when was the exact date but i'm pretty sure it was my first time to wrote about family stuff when the teacher asked everyone did the task. I always dream to write a book and if i'm lucky enough, perhaps i would find publisher out there. Yeahh, someday i hope so. I'll catch you up later. Promise i'll post and share stories soon, won't take long.